How to change status (In stock/Out of stock) a variant product?

To Change Status (Out of Stock), follow these simple steps:

  • Navigate to the Main Menu on the Home screen.

  • Tap on the Product icon.

To Out of Stock a Product's Variant:

  • Locate the product you wish to Change Status.

  • Tap on the 3 dots in front of it.

  • Tap on Change Status Option.

  • To mark a Variant as Out of stock, simply Uncheck the corresponding box.

  • Tap on Back Button.

Congratulations! You've successfully changed Product's Variant Status.


  • The Product status is displayed as In stock due to the availability of certain variants.

  • To Restock a Product, simply follow the process in reverse.

Ooulet's Tip:

Inventory management
is crucial for eCommerce websites. It helps to:

  • Maintain optimal stock levels: Ensures you have enough stock to meet customer demand.

  • Prevent stockouts: Avoids situations where products are unavailable, which can lead to lost sales.

  • Improve cash flow: Efficient inventory management can free up cash that might otherwise be tied up in excess stock.

  • Enhance customer satisfaction: Customers are more likely to return if they can consistently find what they want.

  • Facilitate demand forecasting: Helps predict which products will be popular in the future.

  • Minimize holding costs: Reduces the expenses associated with storing excess inventory.

  • Reduce the risk of deadstock: Prevents accumulation of products that can't be sold.

  • Streamline order fulfillment: Makes the process of receiving, processing, and delivering orders more efficient.

  • Integrate with marketing and sales strategies: Inventory data can inform promotional strategies and sales forecasts, contributing to overall business success.

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Product Management